We light candles in front of the ministry of the interior and read messages by asylum seekers who have been deported from Finland.
Stop Deportations Finland organises a demonstration in front of the ministry of the interior on Maundy Thursday 13.4. at 12 to remember the asylum seekers who have been deported from Finland. During the commemoration we remember, among others, the family of six who were deported by flight to Afghanistan on the 3.4, and who are now in hiding from their persecutors. We will also commemorate all the refugees that never made it to Finland but lost their lives on their way to Europe. “The Finnish asylum policy has aroused increasing concern after the forced deportation to Afghanistan. Both the mistakes during the deportation and the scant communication by the authorities have aroused debate. It is good to remember that the returns will continue even in the cases where they don’t reach the public debate,” Erna Bodström from Helsinki university points out. We will light candles in front of the ministry of interior affairs to call for a stop to deportations to countries in crisis and for the Finnish policy to respect the right to life and personal security that the constitution grants everybody. Participants can bring grave candles to light. The Stop Deportations Finland network demands that Finland changes its asylum policy and respects human rights.
Stop deportations press release 12.4.17
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