Finland intends to deport to Iraq a family of nine, including seven under-age children.
The police picked up the family from their accommodation on Monday and told, via an interpreter over the phone, that the family will be deported to Iraq. The family was transferred in the evening from Raisio to Metsälä detention center in Helsinki. The family opposes deportation and their lawyer has appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court for a prohibition of enforcement concerning their deportation decision, tells a representative authorised by the family. The family of 9 is now being transferred to Joutseno detention centre.
The family had to flee from their home more than 15 years ago. They first relocated within Iraq but fled to Syria more than a decade ago; after the start of the war, they then fled to Turkey and from there to Finland. Their children are aged 18 months to 14 years, and only two of the children have ever lived in Iraq. Two of the children attend school in Finland and speak Finnish.
We are astonished and disappointed since as recently as last week we heard the Prime Minister of Finland state to press that forced deportations of children to unsafe countries were not in line with his sense of justice. We ask Prime Minister Sipilä to stop asylum seekers’ deportations that, in our opinion, violate children’s rights, human rights and human dignity. Asylum seekers are already traumatised because of persecution, war, their long journey to seek asylum and the distressing wait for an asylum decision. Please, do not increase our suffering. We hope our asylum applications are processed justly and thoroughly. We seek nothing but safety and peace.
The asylum seekers’ #RightToLive demonstration continues at the Helsinki Railway Square, now for the 61st day.
11 April 2017
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