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Late Tuesday night a flight left Finland on which several asylum seekers were forcibly deported into Kabul. An Afghan asylum seeker Mohammad Javid held that deportation flights are a human rights violation. “It is known that not all asylum seekers have been given an adequate asylum process”, he says.
The security situation in Afghanistan has not been this bad in sixteen years, according to Javid. “The government is very weak and corrupted”, he says. “The Afghanistan government can not provide safety for the deportees.” A delegation from Afghanistan visited Finland early this week. “It is a question of aid, that Afghanistan gets when it accepts deportations of asylum seekers from Finland and other EU countries”, Javid states. The Afghan asylum seekers are terrified and afraid. “We appeal to the Finnish government so that it would stop these inhumane forced deportations”, Javid says.
Noor – who is married to Mari from Salo – is one of the Afghans who was forced into the Kabul plane. “I could not even talk on the phone with my husband because the police took away his phone”, says Mari. She is surprised by the authorities’ actions. “The processing of prohibition of enforcement was supposed to be on 24th of May. Why is he being returned before the asylum process has been completed?” She held the behaviour of the Finnish Immigration Service outrageous. “Things are not properly examined”, she says. “I do not trust the immigration service anymore. My husband was just a paper.”
Her husband managed to get out of the previous Kabul deportation flight at the last minute on 3rd of April. He left a new asylum application, in which the mistakes by the Finnish Immigration Service and the lawyers were corrected, and new threats in Afghanistan were made clear. “The Finnish Immigration Service still made a negative decision in one day and the highest administrative court rejected the prohibition of enforcement”, Mari reiterates.
On the forced deportation flight, there were allegedly about twenty Afghans. “I heard that there is a family with four children”, Mari says. She cannot comprehend how Finland became a country that sends people to life-threatening conditions. She does not understand the Finnish people who make fun of people’s adversities and death. “My husband has never had anything to do with the police before he came to Finland”, Mari says. Now her husband hides in Kabul.
Press release from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on 12th of May 2017: “The situation in Afghanistan is very difficult. Taliban controls over a third of the land area and recent ISIL strikes have been devastating, especially in Kabul.”
The asylum seekers’ Right To Live demonstration on the Helsinki Railway Station Square has continued for 100 days on Saturday 20th of May 2017.
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Kirje Kabulista [Urgent appeal from a deported family in Kabul Afghanistan]
Kabuliin perheensä kanssa 3.4.2017 pakkopalautettu 19-vuotias Ruusu kirjoittaa avoimen kirjeen Suomen hallitukselle, Migrille, suomalaiselle medialle ja kaikille suomalaisille. "Puhun suomea, minust tulee lakimies isona. Haluan takaisin lukioon. Mitä minun pitää tehdä, että pääsen kouluun enkä kuole täällä Kabulissa? Kuulin, että pääministeri ja sisäministeri haluavat lisää meitä täältä Afganistanista tulemaan jollakin systeemillä sinne. Meidän täytyy päästä turvaan. Rukoilen teitä, koko Suomi, auttakaa meitä. Me kuolemme pian." 23. April 2017 To the Finnish government, Migri, Finnish media and all the Finnish people Urgent appeal from a deported family in Kabul Afghanistan I am Rose, a 19-year old girl from Afganistan. My family - father, mother, sister and two brothers - were forcefully deported from Finland to Afghanistan. We are now in Kabul, hiding, scared, waiting for death and sexual abuse. We came from Afghanistan to Europe to find a safe place....
Ulkomaalaispoliisi pakkopalautti tänä aamuna 32+ viikolla raskaana olevan naisen, hänen vammaisen lapsensa ja aviomiehensä Nigeriaan. Poliisi on aiemmin vakuuttanut, että pakkopalautettaville tehdään lääkärintarkastus aina kun se on aiheellista. Tänä aamuna poliisi ei kuitenkaan huomioinut avustajien illalla lähettämää tuoretta lääkärintodistusta, jossa lääkäri ei suositellut pakkopalautettavalle naiselle lentomatkaa. Poliisi ei tiettävästi esittänut sitä myöskään le nnosta vastaavalle Finnairin henkilökunnalle. Perhe ei ole saanut matkalle tarvittavia rokotuksia. Karkotus käynnistettiin kello viisi aamulla eikä poliisi vastannut avustajien lukuisiin yhteydenottopyyntöihin illan ja aamun aikana. Tietojemme mukaan poliisi ei ollut informoinut yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutettua raskaana olevan naisen ja vammaisen lapsen käännytyksestä ennakkoon. Yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutettu monitoroi pakkopalautuslentoja ja heidän kuuluu saada tieto karkotuksista etukäteen. Olemme kysyneet tieto...
ISSUE 1) MIGRI DECISIONS ARE FAULTY ISSUE: Migri has been unprofessional with the decisions, and this leads to life-dangering deportations. Migri’s faulty procedure cannot be corrected in the courts. The court system does not secure that legal rights of asylum seekers will be met. DEMANDS AND SOLUTIONS: 1) Migri needs to admit that inexperienced staff and poor country reports have led to faulty decisions, 2) These decisions need to reviewed again in order to prevent refoulement, 3) There needs to be an independent outside review of the quality of the asylum process in Migri to prevent further mistakes and misconduct, 4) Migri needs to update the sources of the country reports and make them, and the sources behind them, public compare them internationally DETAILS OF THE ISSUE: In 2015, Migri hired a lot of people who don’t have experience in asylum matters. This led to very different problems in quality of the asylum process : there has been serious p...
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