Today, the Administrative Court of Turku announced a ban against enforced deportation of 19-year-old Zaki, who was deported by force yesterday. Operations of Finnish officials have endangered the life of this young man. On Sunday, the chairwoman of the city council of Loimaa Tarja Mäki-Punto-Ristanen, chief executive officer Pauli Salminen, and member of the parliament Olavi Ala-Nissilä demanded the Administrative Court of Turku to abort the detention and deportation of Zaki. The request was based on a mistake in the negative decision, issued by the Finnish Immigration Service. Zaki’s lawyer had applied for suspension of the deportation to Administrative Court, but the decision came too late. 19-year-old Zaki is already in Kabul without a safety network. Furthermore, the ways of operating by police raise concern. Zaki had applied for a residence permit based on employment, and had been granted permission to reside in the country during the process of his applica...